Welcome to my blog where I document my adventures with old technology, mainly computers but sometimes other stuff
A very rare Colour Classic II, one of my favourites from my collection
This is my first attempt to document some of my vintage computer collection and projects. I have found that I have spent a lot of time tinkering over the years but never really documented any of it. I am motivated to document my projects so that 1) other people can benefit from my exploration and 2) I can remember what I have done in the past.
My collection is very much focused on the Apple II but I do have a few Macintosh’s which are mainly used to support the Apple II’s in some way. I have a number of Dick Smith Wizard’s and peripherals as this was my first real computer. I also have a few Dick Smith CATs. The CATs are in the collection as they are basically an Apple II+ clone hence and intersection of the Apple II and Wizard. Hopefully over time I will put up some pictures and more details on these and other technology gadgets that find there way into my collection. A few that spring to mind are the numerous PDA’s that I have used over the past 25 years such as the Palm Pilot, Newton, Psion, Palm Treo and eventually the iPhone and iPad.